Intelligent Planning: Increasing FP&A Maturity

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This is a podcast episode titled, Intelligent Planning: Increasing FP&A Maturity. The summary for this episode is: <p>Too many finance and accounting teams waste precious time relying on antiquated systems and manual efforts to conduct routine tasks. But, once you make the decision to modernize, it’s critical to bring the entire business along for the journey. Join Glen Greer, Head of Finance Transformation at Kin+Carta, as he explores the company’s FP&amp;A maturity arc and explains how it empowered operational budget holders and overcame unscalable spreadsheet models to bring the right insights to the right people at the right time.</p>
Intro to Kin+Carta and Glen Greer
01:11 MIN
Why did We Start Using Planful?
01:24 MIN
How we Planned to Use Planful to Increase our FP&A Maturity
04:51 MIN
How we Empowered Operational Budget Holders to Own Their Own Budget
03:49 MIN
How we Built a Scalable Revenue Model Suitable for Business Growth
04:26 MIN
13:07 MIN


Too many finance and accounting teams waste precious time relying on antiquated systems and manual efforts to conduct routine tasks. But, once you make the decision to modernize, it’s critical to bring the entire business along for the journey. Join Glen Greer, Head of Finance Transformation at Kin+Carta, as he explores the company’s FP&A maturity arc and explains how it empowered operational budget holders and overcame unscalable spreadsheet models to bring the right insights to the right people at the right time.