Supercharged Integrations: Boomi Tips and Tricks for Planful Administrators

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This is a podcast episode titled, Supercharged Integrations: Boomi Tips and Tricks for Planful Administrators. The summary for this episode is: <p>Get practical Boomi examples you can put to work right away. Join Bill Rausch, Founder, and Managing Director at Bright Point Solutions, as he highlights common data issues and ways to clean up your data for more accuracy and consistency. You’ll also explore how Boomi's integration capabilities can further automate tasks and learn to unlock the insights and analytics behind your Boomi usage. After this session, Planful administrators will feel empowered to make changes within Boomi, but without the usual heartburn.</p>
Intro to Boomi: Extract, transform, and load data from a source systems into a target system
01:44 MIN
How the Boomi connections and contracts work together like a puzzle
05:49 MIN
The 3 types of challenges with Boomi: System contract changes, timing conflicts and data changes
07:23 MIN
How to expose data in Boomi to visualize pre and post transformed data and solve data issues
05:41 MIN
Establishing data quality metrics over the data and using trend analysis to find anomolies
04:04 MIN
Using ChatGBT to fix dirty vendor and client lists
04:29 MIN


Get practical Boomi examples you can put to work right away. Join Bill Rausch, Founder, and Managing Director at Bright Point Solutions, as he highlights common data issues and ways to clean up your data for more accuracy and consistency. You’ll also explore how Boomi's integration capabilities can further automate tasks and learn to unlock the insights and analytics behind your Boomi usage. After this session, Planful administrators will feel empowered to make changes within Boomi, but without the usual heartburn.