Simplify Budgeting With Dynamic Planning and Breakback

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This is a podcast episode titled, Simplify Budgeting With Dynamic Planning and Breakback. The summary for this episode is: <p>Pilot Chemical's Planful experience has yielded impressive results, including significant time savings and improved ease of use. But Dynamic Planning and Breakback have allowed it to make quick adjustments during review meetings and analyze multiple what-if scenarios to streamline the process used to land on the ideal budget. Join Pilot Chemical’s VJ Hopkins, Accounting Manager, and Nick Jensen, Procurement Specialist, along with Cash Collins of CFO Solutions, to learn how you can streamline your budgeting process, make last-minute topside adjustments with ease, allocate changes seamlessly across budget entities, and eliminate time-consuming template access.</p>
Intro to Pilot Chemical and their Implementation Partner, CFO Solutions
02:25 MIN
Why did Pilot Chemical Choose a "What-If" Model and Dynamic Planning
01:16 MIN
How Dynamic Planning with Breakback can Solve the Manual Intervention Problem + What is Breakback
01:55 MIN
05:45 MIN
How Pilot Chemical Implemented the Solution and What Were the End Results
02:50 MIN
13:12 MIN


Pilot Chemical's Planful experience has yielded impressive results, including significant time savings and improved ease of use. But Dynamic Planning and Breakback have allowed it to make quick adjustments during review meetings and analyze multiple what-if scenarios to streamline the process used to land on the ideal budget. Join Pilot Chemical’s VJ Hopkins, Accounting Manager, and Nick Jensen, Procurement Specialist, along with Cash Collins of CFO Solutions, to learn how you can streamline your budgeting process, make last-minute topside adjustments with ease, allocate changes seamlessly across budget entities, and eliminate time-consuming template access.