Last Mile FP&A: Skill Sets for Success Beyond the Systems (CPE Eligible)

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This is a podcast episode titled, Last Mile FP&A: Skill Sets for Success Beyond the Systems (CPE Eligible). The summary for this episode is: <p>Today’s FP&amp;A teams require well-performing technology to boost agility and confidence. But the last mile of FP&amp;A—process building, data manipulation, and more—requires the finance function to have key skills to be successful and stay sane. Join Nick Araco, CFO Alliance founder, and Bobby Odior, First Water VP of Finance, as they dig into the skills necessary to run that last mile, including process building, data collection, data extraction, and data aggregation and transformation. You’ll also learn why the strongest finance teams have the skills to adapt to and embrace the fragmentation caused by M&amp;A and running parallel systems across business entities.</p>
The purpose of data is dialogue. Finance is a people-driven function
01:54 MIN
Defining the last mile
02:01 MIN
Embracing technology
01:30 MIN
Career advice for finance professionals
02:14 MIN


Today’s FP&A teams require well-performing technology to boost agility and confidence. But the last mile of FP&A—process building, data manipulation, and more—requires the finance function to have key skills to be successful and stay sane. Join Nick Araco, CFO Alliance founder, and Bobby Odior, First Water VP of Finance, as they dig into the skills necessary to run that last mile, including process building, data collection, data extraction, and data aggregation and transformation. You’ll also learn why the strongest finance teams have the skills to adapt to and embrace the fragmentation caused by M&A and running parallel systems across business entities.