Financial Storytelling with data, KPIs and metrics in a Volatile Economy

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This is a podcast episode titled, Financial Storytelling with data, KPIs and metrics in a Volatile Economy. The summary for this episode is: <p>Effectively communicating the story behind the numbers takes a deep understanding of what's driving financial performance so you can articulate it in a way that resonates with your audience. Join Nakamura, CFO of Orange Comet, as he shares tips for developing a compelling narrative highlighting the company's strengths and opportunities without leaving plot holes for the potential challenges and risks. He'll also explain why building a compelling financial story is even more critical in our current era of volatility and uncertainty.</p>
Intro to Orange Comet and CFO, Erik Nakamura
02:07 MIN
Value Prop = the Sizzle (Why)
02:12 MIN
Business Opportunity/Execution = Steak (How)
09:22 MIN
Financials, Data and KPIs = Potatoes/Rice (What-Supports Story and Execution)
07:50 MIN


Effectively communicating the story behind the numbers takes a deep understanding of what's driving financial performance so you can articulate it in a way that resonates with your audience. Join Nakamura, CFO of Orange Comet, as he shares tips for developing a compelling narrative highlighting the company's strengths and opportunities without leaving plot holes for the potential challenges and risks. He'll also explain why building a compelling financial story is even more critical in our current era of volatility and uncertainty.