Diving into the AllCampus Success Story

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This is a podcast episode titled, Diving into the AllCampus Success Story. The summary for this episode is: <p>Discover how AllCampus overcame their marketing challenges with the help of Bakerfield Solutions and Planful for Marketing in this captivating recorded session. From fragmented data and manual processes to limited visibility, AllCampus found a comprehensive solution that streamlined their marketing planning efforts and provided a centralized platform for managing, measuring and optimizing data for reporting needs. Through the implementation of Planful for Marketing, the entire business benefits with improved accuracy, complete visibility and overall collaboration, to include automating data inputs, gaining campaign insights, and bridging the gap between Marketing and Finance. Don't miss out on the partnership value brought by Bakerfield Solutions, saving time and increasing efficiency. Join us to uncover the transformative power of Planful for Marketing and the role of Bakerfield Solutions in this remarkable journey to building and executing their plan with opertional marketing excellence.</p>
00:32 MIN
About the Speakers
05:32 MIN
AllCampus Overview
01:46 MIN
The Problem AllCampus was looking to solve
03:46 MIN
The Planful for Marketing Solution
02:48 MIN
The Implementation Solutions to Drive Value
03:34 MIN
Measuring ROI
02:22 MIN
The Bakerfield Value
02:03 MIN
Marketing plan in Planful for Marketing
03:19 MIN
Automating data in Planful for Marketing
01:59 MIN
Campaign insights to bridge the gap between finance and marketing
03:05 MIN
Looking to the Future
02:13 MIN
Session Wrap up & Questions
02:51 MIN


Discover how AllCampus overcame their marketing challenges with the help of Bakerfield Solutions and Planful for Marketing in this captivating recorded session. From fragmented data and manual processes to limited visibility, AllCampus found a comprehensive solution that streamlined their marketing planning efforts and provided a centralized platform for managing, measuring and optimizing data for reporting needs. Through the implementation of Planful for Marketing, the entire business benefits with improved accuracy, complete visibility and overall collaboration, to include automating data inputs, gaining campaign insights, and bridging the gap between Marketing and Finance. Don't miss out on the partnership value brought by Bakerfield Solutions, saving time and increasing efficiency. Join us to uncover the transformative power of Planful for Marketing and the role of Bakerfield Solutions in this remarkable journey to building and executing their plan with opertional marketing excellence.